miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

Nuevas publicaciones del PDI de la ETSI incorporadas a Scopus en febrero de 2021

Durante el pasado mes de febrero de 2021 fueron incorporadas a la base de datos Scopus 296 nuevas publicaciones de autores pertenecientes a la Universidad de Sevilla, 116 de ellas en diversas modalidades de Acceso Abierto.

* 46 documentos (un 15,5 % del total US) tuvieron como autores o coautores a profesores e investigadores pertenecientes a Departamentos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSI). 

Por tipología documental han sido 37 artículos  y 9 comunicaciones a congresos.

7 artículos se han publicado en Acceso Abierto. Serán subidos progresivamente a idUS, repositorio de producción científica de la Universidad de Sevilla.
*** La selección y comunicación mensual de estas nuevas publicaciones a través del blog tiene como principal objetivo contribuir al conocimiento por parte de la comunidad universitaria de la ETSI de la investigación realizada en la Escuela.

A continuación se añade el listado de las publicaciones ETSI por orden alfabético del primer autor firmante:

Aguilar-Ibanez, C., Moreno-Valenzuela, J., Garcia-Alarcon, O., Martinez-Lopez, M., Acosta, J.A., Suarez-Castanon, M.S.

PI-Type Controllers and Σ-Δ Modulation for Saturated DC-DC Buck Power Converters
(2021) IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9335628, pp. 20346-20357. 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3054600

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Arco, J., Gutiérrez-Carrillo, M.L., Bestué Cardiel, I., Sánchez, J., Pavón, M.C.

Protocol for the monitoring of environmental variables that affect the defensive heritage of tapial: A case study of the wall of the Alcazaba Cadima. Granada, Spain
(2020) REHABEND, pp. 818-826. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Auriol, J., De Andrade, G.A., Vazquez, R.

A differential-delay estimator for thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube using in-domain pressure measurements
(2020) Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020-December, art. no. 9304480, pp. 4417-4422. 

DOI: 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304480

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Barea, A., Doblado, J.G., Crespo, D., Garcia, A., Soldado, I., Barrera, G., Leopoldo, A., Prats, M.M., Cabanas, R.M.

Mini-Multi Interface Box Simulator (MMIBS)
(2021) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024 (1), art. no. 012100, . 

DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1024/1/012100

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Calero, V., Fernández-Mateo, R., Morgan, H., Garciá-Sánchez, P., Ramos, A.

Stationary Electro-osmotic Flow Driven by ac Fields around Insulators
(2021) Physical Review Applied, 15 (1), art. no. A44, . Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.014047

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Calvo, V.L.V., Giner-Santonja, G., Alonso-Fariñas, B., Aguado, J.M.

The effect of the European Industrial Emissions Directive on the air emission limit values set by competent authorities in the permitting procedure: The case of the Spanish cement industry
(2021) Science of the Total Environment, 773, art. no. 145491, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145491

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Cano, J.A., Cortés, P., Campo, E.A., Correa-Espinal, A.A.

Solving the order batching and sequencing problem with multiple pickers: A grouped genetic algorithm
(2021) International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11 (3), pp. 2516-2524. 

DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v11i3.pp2516-2524

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Carnerero, A.D., Ramirez, D.R., Limon, D., Alamo, T.

Particle based Optimization for Predictive Energy Efficient Data Center Management
(2020) Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020-December, art. no. 9303763, pp. 2660-2665. 

DOI: 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9303763

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Del Castillo, J.M.

A Distribution on the Simplex Arising from Inverted Chi-square Random Variables with Odd Degrees of Freedom
(2021) Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 50 (4), pp. 890-909. 

DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2019.1643481

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Delgado-Sanchez, J.-M., Lillo-Bravo, I., Menéndez-Velázquez, A.

Enhanced luminescent solar concentrator efficiency by Foster resonance energy transfer in a tunable six-dye absorber
(2021) International Journal of Energy Research, . 

DOI: 10.1002/er.6533

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

 De-Los-Santos, A., Canca, D., Barrena, E.

Mathematical formulations for the bimodal bus-pedestrian social welfare network design problem
(2021) Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 145, pp. 302-323. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2021.01.010

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Díaz-Bañez, J.-M., Fabila-Monroy, R., Urrutia, J.

A note on empty balanced tetrahedra in two-colored point sets in R3
(2021) Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 96, art. no. 101757, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.comgeo.2021.101757

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Garcia-Garcia, F.J., Sayagués, M.J., Gotor, F.J.

A novel, simple and highly efficient route to obtain prbamn2o5+δ double perovskite: Mechanochemical synthesis
(2021) Nanomaterials, 11 (2), art. no. 380, pp. 1-18. 

DOI: 10.3390/nano11020380

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

García-Heras, J., Soler, M., González-Arribas, D., Eschbacher, K., Rokitansky, C.-H., Sacher, D., Gelhardt, U., Lang, J., Hauf, T., Simarro, J., Valenzuela, A., Franco, A., Rivas, D.

Robust flight planning impact assessment considering convective phenomena
(2021) Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 123, art. no. 102968, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.102968

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Garcia-Torres, F., Vazquez, S., Moreno-Garcia, I.M., Gil-De-castro, A., Roncero-Sanchez, P., Moreno-Munoz, A.

Microgrids power quality enhancement using model predictive control
(2021) Electronics (Switzerland), 10 (3), art. no. 328, pp. 1-19. 

DOI: 10.3390/electronics10030328

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 González, H., Arcenegui, J., Garciá De Bollullos, F.J., Castrejón-Pita, J.R., Castrejón-Pita, A.A.

Self-Stimulated Capillary Jet
(2021) Physical Review Applied, 15 (1), art. no. 014054, . 

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.014054

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

González, J.E., de Armas, G., Negrin, J., Beltrán, A.M., Trueba, P., Gotor, F.J., Peón, E., Torres, Y.

Influence of successive chemical and thermochemical treatments on surface features of Ti6Al4V samples manufactured by SLM
(2021) Metals, 11 (2), art. no. 313, pp. 1-13. 

DOI: 10.3390/met11020313

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus


 Jiménez, M., Cabrera, R., Armario, J.L., Graciani, E., Estefani, A., Muñoz, K., García, E., París, F.

Development of a prototype test system for certification of curved fuselage panels
(2021) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024 (1), art. no. 012081, . 

DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1024/1/012081

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Lissen, J.M.S., Escudero, C.I.J., De La Flor, F.J.S., Escudero, M.N., Karlessi, T., Assimakopoulos, M.-N.

Optimal renovation strategies through life-cycle analysis in a pilot building located in a mild mediterranean climate
(2021) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (4), art. no. 1423, pp. 1-25. 

DOI: 10.3390/app11041423

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Lizana, J., Manteigas, V., Chacartegui, R., Lage, J., Becerra, J.A., Blondeau, P., Rato, R., Silva, F., Gamarra, A.R., Herrera, I., Gomes, M., Fernandez, A., Berthier, C., Gonçalves, K., Alexandre, J.L., Almeida-Silva, M., Almeida, S.M.

A methodology to empower citizens towards a low-carbon economy. The potential of schools and sustainability indicators
(2021) Journal of Environmental Management, 284, art. no. 112043, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112043

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus


 López-de-los-Mozos, M.C., Mesa, J.A.

To stop or not to stop: a time-constrained trip covering location problem on a tree network
(2021) Annals of Operations Research, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s10479-021-03981-w

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

  Manzano, J.M., Munoz de la Pena, D., Calliess, J., Limon, D.

Componentwise Hlder inference for robust learning-based MPC
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, . 

DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2021.3056356

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

Ntwari, D.M., Gutierrez-Reina, D., Marín, S.L.T., Tawfik, H.

Time efficient unmanned aircraft systems deployment in disaster scenarios using clustering methods and a set cover approach
(2021) Electronics (Switzerland), 10 (4), art. no. 422, pp. 1-26. 

DOI: 10.3390/electronics10040422

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Orihuela, M.P., Miceli, P., Ramírez-Rico, J., Fino, D., Chacartegui, R.

Ceria-based catalytic coatings on biomorphic silicon carbide: A system for soot oxidation with enhanced properties
(2021) Chemical Engineering Journal, 415, art. no. 128959, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128959

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Orihuela, M.P., Espinoza, L., Ripoll, N., Chacartegui, R., Toledo, M.

Natural gas-supported gasification of polyethylene and wood mixtures in a porous medium reactor
(2021) Energy Conversion and Management, 233, art. no. 113901, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.113901

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Paul, A., Ramirez-Angulo, J., Lopez-Martin, A.J., Carvajal, R.G., Diaz-Sanchez, A.

Low power fully differential CMOS first order all pass filter with 0.2- 4.8Hz variable pole frequency
(2020) Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Dallas Circuits and Systems Conference, DCAS 2020, art. no. 9330645, . 

DOI: 10.1109/DCAS51144.2020.9330645

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Peris Pérez, B., Expósito Carrillo, J.A., Sánchez de La Flor, F.J., Salmerón Lissén, J.M., Morillo Navarro, A.

Thermoeconomic analysis of CO2 Ejector-Expansion Refrigeration Cycle (EERC) for low-temperature refrigeration in warm climates
(2021) Applied Thermal Engineering, 188, art. no. 116613, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116613

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Qin, B.-W., Chung, K.-W., Algaba, A., Rodríguez-Luis, A.J.

Asymptotic expansions for a degenerate canard explosion
(2021) Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 418, art. no. 132841, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2020.132841

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

R, R., Ghosh Majumder, M., Dewani, R., Gopakumar, K., Loganathan, U., Jarzyna, W., Franquelo, L.G.

A Very High Resolution 30-Sided Space Vector Generation from a Single DC-link for Induction Motor Drives
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, . 

DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3053884

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

 Rafee Nekoo, S., Acosta, J.Á., Ollero, A.

Geometric control using the state-dependent Riccati equation: application to aerial-acrobatic maneuvers
(2021) International Journal of Control, . 

DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2021.1881165

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

 Ramezani, S., Moini, A., Riahi, M., Marquez, A.C.

Predicting the remaining useful life in the presence of the regime-switching behaviour of health index using distance-based evidence theory
(2021) Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 63 (1), pp. 37-46. 

DOI: 10.1784/INSI.2021.63.1.37

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Rey, R., Cobano, J.A., Corzetto, M., Merino, L., Alvito, P., Caballero, F.

A novel robot co-worker system for paint factories without the need of existing robotic infrastructure
(2021) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 70, art. no. 102122, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2021.102122

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Rivera, S., Kouro, S., Vazquez, S., Goetz, S.M., Lizana, R., Romero-Cadaval, E.

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure -- From Grid to Battery
(2021) IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, . 

DOI: 10.1109/MIE.2020.3039039

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

 Robles-Velasco, A., Muñuzuri, J., Onieva, L., Rodríguez-Palero, M.

Trends and applications of machine learning in water supply networks management
(2021) Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14 (1), pp. 45-54. 

DOI: 10.3926/jiem.3280

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Rodriguez-Gomez, J.P., Tapia, R., Paneque, J.L., Grau, P., Gomez Eguiluz, A., Martinez-De-Dios, J.R., Ollero, A.

The GRIFFIN perception dataset: Bridging the gap between flapping-wing flight and robotic perception
(2021) IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6 (2), art. no. 9345513, pp. 1066-1073. 

DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3056348

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Roldán-Fernández, J.M., Burgos-Payán, M., Riquelme-Santos, J.M.

Impact of domestic PV systems in the day-ahead Iberian electricity market
(2021) Solar Energy, 217, pp. 15-24. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2021.01.065

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Romero-Calvo, Á., Schaub, H., Cano-Gómez, G.

Electron beam expansion and deflection uncertainty for active spacecraft charging applications
(2021) AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, pp. 1-14. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-1540

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Romero-Calvo, Á., Herrada, M.A., Cano-Gómez, G., Schaub, H.

Advanced numerical simulation of magnetic liquid sloshing in microgravity
(2020) Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2020-October, . 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Romero-Calvo, Á., Cano-Gómez, G., Schaub, H.

Magnetic buoyancy-based water electrolysis in zero-gravity
(2020) Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2020-October, . 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Slawik, S., Bernarding, S., Lasagni, F., Navarro, C., Periñán, A., Boby, F., Migot-Choux, S., Domínguez, J., Mücklich, F.

Microstructural analysis of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V modified by laser peening and shot peening for enhanced fatigue characteristics
(2021) Materials Characterization, 173, art. no. 110935, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2021.110935

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Tévar-Bartolomé, G., Gómez-Expósito, A., Arcos-Vargas, A., Rodríguez-Montañés, M.

Network impact of increasing distributed PV hosting: A utility-scale case study
(2021) Solar Energy, 217, pp. 173-186. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2021.01.066

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Torralba, A., Colodro, F., Martinez-Heredia, J.M., Mora, J.L.

Multiple-Signal Single-Loop Filter (MSSF) sigma-delta modulators
(2021) AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 132, art. no. 153633, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2021.153633

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Torralba, A., Garcia-Martin, J.P., Gonzalez-Romo, J.M., Garcia-Castellano, M., Peral-Lopez, J., Perez-Mira, V.

AISCS: Autonomous, Intelligent Sign Control System using Wireless Communication and LED Signs for Rural and Suburban Roads
(2021) IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, . 

DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2021.3049375

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus


Vornicu, I., López-Martínez, J.M., Bandi, F.N., Galán, R.C., Rodríguez-Vázquez, A.

Design of High-Efficiency SPADs for LiDAR Applications in 110nm CIS Technology
(2021) IEEE Sensors Journal, 21 (4), art. no. 9229158, pp. 4776-4785. 

DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3032106

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Yin, J., Leon, J.I., Perez, M.A., Franquelo, L.G., Marquez, A., Vazquez, S.

Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converters Using Quadratic Programming
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36 (6), art. no. 9242285, pp. 7012-7025. 

DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3034294

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

 Zarco-Soto, I.M., Zarco-Periñán, P.J., Sánchez-Durán, R.

Influence of cities population size on their energy consumption and CO2 emissions: the case of Spain
(2021) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-12624-3

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

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