martes, 11 de junio de 2019

Nuevas publicaciones del PDI de la ETSI incorporadas a Scopus en Mayo de 2019

   En Mayo de 2019 fueron incorporadas a la base de datos Scopus 243 publicaciones pertenecientes a autores de la Universidad de Sevilla, 78 de ellas en Acceso Abierto.
     * 48 documentos (un 19,75 %) han tenido como autores o coautores a profesores e investigadores pertenecientes a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSI).

Por tipología documental han sido 35 artículos (2 review), 11 comunicaciones a congresos, 1 capítulo de libro y 1 erratum

Análisis por autor, temática y tipo de documento... realizado por Scopus para Publicaciones ETSI  Mayo 2019
Todas las publicaciones en Acceso Abierto serán subidas progresivamente a idUS, repositorio de investigació científica de la US

Las nuevas publicaciones de autores ETSI aparecen listadas abajo, por orden alfabético del primer autor firmante de las mismas:

Aguilar-Ibañez, C., Sira-Ramirez, H., Acosta, J.Á., Suarez-Castañon, M.S.

An algebraic version of the active disturbance rejection control for second-order flat systems(2019) International Journal of Control, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

Algaba, A., Domínguez-Moreno, M.C., Merino, M., Rodríguez-Luis, A.J.

Study of a simple 3D quadratic system with homoclinic flip bifurcations of inward twist case C in(2019) Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 77, pp. 324-337. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Algaba, A., Chung, K.-W., Qin, B.-W., Rodríguez-Luis, A.J.

Revisiting the analysis of a codimension-three Takens–Bogdanov bifurcation in planar reversible systems(2019) Nonlinear Dynamics, 96 (4), pp. 2567-2580. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Alonso, A., Patricio, J., Suárez, R.

On the efficiency of impact sound insulation systems on prefabricated lightweight floor and on standard homogeneous base-floor(2019) Engineering Structures, 191, pp. 649-657. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Amaro-Mellado, J.L. [et al.]

Game-Based Student Response System Applied to a Multidisciplinary Teaching Context(2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 951, pp. 329-339. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Ariza, T., Fernández-Jiménez, F.J., Muñoz-Calle, J., Sierra, A.J., Mora, M.

Software architecture for customized physical exercise prescription [Arquitectura software para la prescripción de ejercicio físico personalizado](2019) Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y del Deporte, 19 (73), pp. 137-150. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Becerra, J.A., Madero-Ayora, M.J., Reina-Tosina, J., Crespo-Cadenas, C., Garcia-Frias, J., Arce, G.

A Reduced-Complexity Doubly Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm for Power Amplifier Sparse Behavioral Modeling(2019) 2019 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications, PAWR 2019, art. no. 8708723, . 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Bravo-Rodríguez, J.C., Del-Pino-López, J.C., Cruz-Romero, P.

A survey on optimization techniques applied to magnetic field mitigation in power systems(2019) Energies, 12 (7), art. no. 1332, . 

Document Type: Review
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Canca, D., De-Los-Santos, A., Laporte, G., Mesa, J.A.

Integrated Railway Rapid Transit Network Design and Line Planning problem with maximum profit(2019) Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 127, pp. 1-30. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Conradi, M., Sánchez-Moyano, J.E., Bhuiyan, M.K.A., Rodríguez-Romero, A., Galotti, A., Basallote, M.D., DelValls, A., Parra, G., Riba, I.

Intraspecific variation in the response of the estuarine European isopod Cyathura carinata (Krøyer, 1847) to ocean acidification(2019) Science of the Total Environment, 683, pp. 134-145. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Crespo-Cadenas, C., Madero-Ayora, M.J., Becerra, J.A.

Volterra-based behavioral modeling, parameter estimation, and linearization(2019) 2018 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference, LAMC 2018 - Proceedings, art. no. 8699071, . 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Cruz-Muñoz, F.J., Romero, A., Galvín, P., Tadeu, A.

Acoustic waves scattered by elastic waveguides using a spectral approach with a 2.5D coupled boundary-finite element method(2019) Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 106, pp. 47-58. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Cuevas, F.G., Andreouli, D., Gallardo, J.M., Oikonomou, V., Cintas, J., Torres, Y., Montes, J.M.

Ceramic dies selection for electrical resistance sintering of metallic materials(2019) Ceramics International, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

Dehghani, H., Desena-Galarza, D., Jha, N.K., Reinoso, J., Merodio, J.

Bifurcation and post-bifurcation of an inflated and extended residually-stressed circular cylindrical tube with application to aneurysms initiation and propagation in arterial wall tissue(2019) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 161, pp. 51-60. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

del Campo, R., Fernández, A., Mayoral, F., Naranjo, F., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.

Lorentz spaces of vector measures and real interpolation of operators(2019) Quaestiones Mathematicae, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

Ebrahimi, S.M., Salahshour, E., Malekzadeh, M., Francisco Gordillo

Parameters identification of PV solar cells and modules using flexible particle swarm optimization algorithm(2019) Energy, 179, pp. 358-372. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Erena, D., Vázquez Valeo, J., Navarro, C., Domínguez, J.

New fatigue device for testing cables: Design and results(2019) Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

Fernández-García, J.P., Di Pietro, A., Figuera, P., Gómez-Camacho, J., Lattuada, M., Lei, J., Moro, A.M., Rodríguez-Gallardo, M., Scuderi, V.

Breakup mechanisms in the He 6 + Zn 64 reaction at near-barrier energies(2019) Physical Review C, 99 (5), art. no. 054605, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Fernandez-Viagas, V., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Framinan, J.M.

Efficiency of the solution representations for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with makespan objective(2019) Computers and Operations Research, 109, pp. 77-88. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Fico, V.M., Vázquez, A.L.R., Prats, M.Á.M., Bernelli-Zazzera, F.

Failure detection by signal similarity measurement of brushless DC motors(2019) Energies, 12 (7), art. no. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Gallardo, J.M., Jiménez, N., Jiménez-Losada, A.

A shapley value for games with authorization structure(2018) Contributions to Management Science, pp. 323-348. 

Document Type: Book Chapter
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Document Type: Erratum
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Garzón, E., Rodríguez, I.M.O., Castillo, J., Sánchez-Soto, P.J.

Degradation of a LDPE film applied as a greenhouse cover design material: The effect of ageing and mechanical modelling(2019) Revista de la Construccion, 17 (3), pp. 457-464. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Hassani, Y., Hashemy Shahdany, S.M., Maestre, J.M., Zahraie, B., Ghorbani, M., Hennebery, S.R., Kulshreshtha, S.N.

An economic-operational framework for optimum agricultural water distribution in irrigation districts without water marketing(2019) Agricultural Water Management, 221, pp. 348-361. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Hortigón, B., Ancio, F., Nieto-García, E.J., Herrera, M.A., Gallardo, J.M.

Influence of rebar design on mechanical behaviour of Tempcore steel(2018) Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, pp. 601-606. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Horvat, A., Pandey, D.S., Kwapinska, M., Mello, B.B., Gómez-Barea, A., Fryda, L.E., Rabou, L.P.L.M., Kwapinski, W., Leahy, J.J.

Tar yield and composition from poultry litter gasification in a fluidised bed reactor: Effects of equivalence ratio, temperature and limestone addition(2019) RSC Advances, 9 (23), pp. 13283-13296. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Hosseinzadeh, M., Cotorruelo, A., Limon, D., Garone, E.

Constrained Control of Linear Systems Subject to Combinations of Intersections and Unions of Concave Constraints(2019) IEEE Control Systems Letters, 3 (3), art. no. 8700216, pp. 571-576. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Infantes, M., Naranjo-Pérez, J., Sáez, A., Jiménez-Alonso, J.F.

Determining the best Pareto-solution in a multi-objective approach for model updating(2019) IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report, pp. 523-530. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Jaworek, A., Ganán-Calvo, A.M., Machala, Z.

Low temperature plasmas and electrosprays(2019) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52 (23), art. no. 233001, 

Document Type: Review
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Jiménez Alonso, J.F., Hudson, E.J., Pavic, A., Sáez, A.

Probabilistic finite element model updating of civil engineering structures: A comparative study(2019) IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report, pp. 1269-1276. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Larrañeta, M., Fernandez-Peruchena, C., Silva-Pérez, M.A., Lillo-bravo, I., Grantham, A., Boland, J.

Generation of synthetic solar datasets for risk analysis(2019) Solar Energy, 187, pp. 212-225. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Liu, Y., Green, T.C., Wu, J., Rouzbehi, K., Raza, A., Xu, D.

A New Droop Coefficient Design Method for Accurate Power-Sharing in VSC-MTDC Systems(2019) IEEE Access, 7, art. no. 8682056, pp. 47605-47614. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Lozano, S., Soltani, N.

Lexicographic hyperbolic DEA(2019) Journal of the Operational Research Society, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

Marín, J.C., Justo, J., Barroso, A., Cañas, J., París, F.

On the optimal choice of fibre orientation angle in off-axis tensile test using oblique end-tabs: Theoretical and experimental studies(2019) Composites Science and Technology, 178, pp. 11-25. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Martin, C., Barrero, F., Arahal, M.R., Duran, M.J.

Model-based predictive current controllers in multiphase drives dealing with natural reduction of harmonic distortion(2019) Energies, 12 (9), art. no. 1679, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Martín-Fernández, J.D., Luna-Romera, J.M., Pontes, B., Riquelme-Santos, J.C.

Indexes to Find the Optimal Number of Clusters in a Hierarchical Clustering(2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 950, pp. 3-13. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Mayor, V., Estepa, R., Estepa, A., Madinabeitia, G.

Deploying a Reliable UAV-Aided Communication Service in Disaster Areas(2019) Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019, art. no. 7521513,

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Naranjo-Pérez, J., Sáez, A., Jiménez-Alonso, J.F., González-Gómez, N., García-Sánchez, F.

Finite element model updating of a grandstand as basis to assess its vibration serviceability limit state(2019) IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report, pp. 745-751. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Naranjo-Pérez, J., Sáez, A., Jiménez-Alonso, J.F., Pachón, P., Compán, V.

A hybrid UKF-MGA algorithm for finite element model updating of historical constructions(2019) IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report, pp. 29-36. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Nascimento, D.P., Menezes, V.L., Carvalho, M., Chacartegui, R.

Energy analysis of products and processes in a sanitary landfill(2019) IET Renewable Power Generation, 13 (7), pp. 1063-1075. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Olias, J., Martin-Clemente, R., Sarmiento-Vega, M.A., Cruces, S.

EEG signal processing in mi-bci applications with improved covariance matrix estimators(2019) IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 27 (5), art. no. 8688582, pp. 895-904. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Pachón, P., García, E., Compán, V., Jiménez-Alonso, J.F., Castro, R.

Ambient vibration testing, dynamic identification and model updating of a historical bridge(2019) IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report, pp. 152-159. 

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Rakhshani, E., Rouzbehi, K., Sánchez, A.J., Tobar, A.C., Pouresmaeil, E.

Integration of large scale PV-based generation into power systems: A survey(2019) Energies, 12 (8), art. no. 1425, . 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Romero, A., Galvín, P., Cámara-Molina, J.C., Tadeu, A.

On the formulation of a BEM in the Bézier–Bernstein space for the solution of Helmholtz equation(2019) Applied Mathematical Modelling, 74, pp. 301-319. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Sánchez Ramos, J., Pavón Moreno, M.C., Romero Rodríguez, L., Guerrero Delgado, M.C., Álvarez Domínguez, S.

Potential for exploiting the synergies between buildings through DSM approaches. Case study: La Graciosa Island(2019) Energy Conversion and Management, 194, pp. 199-216. 

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

Sgobba, S., Aviles Santillana, I., Langeslag, S., Fernandez Pison, P., Castillo Rivero, S., Libeyre, P., Jong, C., Everitt, D., Freudenberg, K.

Assessment of residual stresses in iter cs helium inlet welds fatigue tested at cryogenic temperature(2019) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 502 (1), art. no. 012095,

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

Ventosa-Cutillas, A., Montero-Robina, P., Umbría, F., Cuesta, F., Gordillo, F.

Integrated control and modulation for three-level NPC rectifiers(2019) Energies, 12 (9), art. no. 1641,

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
Access Type: Open Access

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